May 13, 2014

Joseph - 2014

So big lil bro graduated on Saturday. It didn't really hit me till later when we were having the party. Still can't believe it really. He is one amazing boy, though. Here are just a few pictures. Love you, bro.
 Yup, he sure was a chunko!

A blondie, too. :)

 Him and his lil bro. Watch out there, Joseph. He's gonna catch up to you one day.

 Bear Country USA.


Epic sword play. He read Lord of the Rings when he was 11. 

 Track meet. His last year he got all first places.

 Senior year. I got me one handsome bro.

 Counseling at camp.

 House Page.

Congratulations, Joseph! You worked so hard these last few years. I watched you persevering and studying and being a man through it all. You're an artist, you're intelligent, you're kind and you're a gentleman. I value that above everything. I can't thank you enough for the times you've made me feel loved and protected. Thanks for sharing all your musical finds with me and for singing so loud in the mornings you woke me up. You're one incredible brother.

Love, me


Katie said...

He's got a great photographer!

Laura said...

Everybody loves a sharp-dressed man. :) Congratulations, Joseph!