Sep 30, 2015

Why You Need a Writing Spot for NaNoWriMo

     Having a Writing Spot can be very conducive to a creative atmosphere. Especially during NaNoWriMo.

     Writing was a very laid back, write-when-I'm-inspired routine for me. And it still is most of the time. I didn't have a routine before NaNoWriMo. But I knew from the very moment I took on the challenge, I was going to have to get down to business. Like, serious business.

     Desks were so . . . not creative to my teenage self, uncomfortable and boring. That's why I chose the comfy chair in my nook or my bed. I love making my bed messy with books and papers, and it was warm! I chose the warmth and comfort of my bed where I could lie down, put my feet up, or do the whole bed sprawl thing with my feet in the air or dangling over the edge of the mattress. The world in general was my writing spot, the upstairs couch, the rocking chair in front of the fire. Ah, it was bliss. But I think I suffered from the disadvantages of not having a creative space all my own. Mainly, the lack of productivity that ensued.

     But when it came to NaNoWriMo and 50,000 words something had to give.

Reasons why you need a creative Writing Spot

#1 A Place to Keep Story Notes Right in Front of You

     If you're outlining your Plot Points hang them on the wall right in front of you so you can see them and be thinking about them all the time.

#2 You Can Go All Wild With Creative-ness

     Cover it with sticky notes, crumbs from your snacks, fill with writing books, perpetual notebooks and pens. Tack inspirational quotes to the walls, drape Christmas lights, whatever! It's YOUR creative spot.

#3 Your Get Down to Business Spot

     When you make a spot that's THE spot you write in and you go to that spot when it's time to write--you write. Just like: bed--sleep. Table--eat. Office--work. Writing Spot--write. You have limited time as it is, you don't want to spend half of it trying to get comfortable in a new spot every day. You need to productive every time you sit down to write. Plus, it makes the writing/creative mindset click on with a single action: sitting down to write in the same spot almost every day.  

     But just to finish, I hate being confined to one spot. And during NaNo there are days when I just need a change of scene because it feels like all my words are stuck behind some glass wall. I can see them, but they're a jumbled mess, trapped. Therefore, keep in mind when looking for and settling on a writing spot a change of scene can be incredibly helpful in getting words un-stuck, and you're free to roam to your heart's content!

Happy Writing!

Get your Free e-book and start outlining your novel for NaNoWriMo today!
I also go into more depth about creating Writing Spots and taking full advantage of them.

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