Dec 10, 2015

History of the Blog + new things & some stuff

It was my blog's seventh birthday this past July! I was busy with a book release, though and I forgot about it! But I'd like to celebrate now with how I got started. Mostly to remind myself about where I came from, how much has changed, and what I can look forward to.

2008: The Song of My Soul is created. Mostly as a creative outlet where I could post about my family adventures and share the pictures I loved to take. (And keep up with my other blogger friends) That summer my younger sister was diagnosed with Crohns Disease. I took most of my pictures on a Sony recorder.

2009: I bought my first digital point and shoot with graduation money and I participated in NaNoWriMo for the first time! By day I was the shy, quiet, awkward girl who liked staying home and hugging animals, and smiling to hide the fact I was afraid strangers would talk to me. By night, I was, and still am, a writer. Though writing routines have drastically changed.

2010-2013: I journey deeper into the blogging world, my new camera inspiring me with blog post ideas everyday. Writing mainly for friends and family, I never really sought to gather a following. I was content to share with those I loved.You can find everything from our grand family dress-up parties to the birth of baby goats! I write a book every year for NaNoWriMo and continue to dream about the day I'll be published.

2014-Present: I don't like to say I lost my job, because really I did not. The majority of my work ended August of 2014 and I decide to pursue a career in Independent Publishing! Better late than never, right? I knew it would be hard, and July 2015, with a lot of hand-wringing and head-holding, and love and support from friends and family, I released a small novelette, The Life and Death of Terry Dodd. There was much confusion, frustration, some tears, some fits and discontent. I can't say I've got it right or that I'm finally headed in the right direction. I've still got a long way to go, lots of headaches to conquer, but my goal is to follow my passion and not the results.

I still blog about the beauty of my Lord and Savior, my wonderful family, and share my photos. But these days you'll also find:
  • Writing tips - Things I've learned while writing, answers to questions I've never found a satisfactory answer to, mentoring(I'll help you with any writing questions you may have) and doing the best I can to serve and encourage you.
  • News about books - mine and others!
  • Free e-books - So I have this hope of making available for free all of the non-fiction I write. My first ever Free e-book, Outlining Your Novel For NaNoWriMo, is about structuring your novel for either NaNoWriMo or any other noveling project you have going. I also talk about Writer's Block, character creation, and there are work sheets in the back. Follow this link to join my email list and receive your copy free.
  • A place where writers can feel safe. Where they know they'll be helped and cared for no matter what they write, how they write it, or who they are in real life.
So that's a bit about where I've come from, where I've been, and where I'm going. I know there will be more surprises, more headaches, and more goodness up ahead. I hope you can find encouragement and inspiration from these small, messed-up, ring-around-the-rosy beginnings of mine.

A distant relative of mine once said,
Writers may be disreputable, incorrigible, early to decay or late to bloom but they dare to go it alone. -John Updike
Never despise beginnings, my friends. You won't get anywhere without them.

Love, Kayla

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