Feb 11, 2016

5 Things I'm Inspired by This Week

First of all, sorry about the mess around here the last few days. New blog designs are such pains. Second of all, there's a new blog design coming! Just so you know. New year, new face lift. I'm hoping to make this place a little prettier, a little easier to navigate, so if you have any suggestions for improvement leave me a comment below!

Book Hug Book Holder

Okay. So it's not REALLY mine. My brother brought it home from one of his adventures and while he's away for the week, I snuck it from his room and am screaming with delight every time I use it.
Birthday wishlist object.

My Face - Dodie Clark

Dodie is a new discovery of mine. This twenty-year-old London based youtuber writes and sings her own songs. She's always been clear how insecure she is about her looks, she's been real with her audience. And I really love this song. She's saying yes, my face isn't the most spectacular face in the world, but it's my face, and "I secretly like it here." Well, done, Dodie. Plus she's wonderfully quirky and makes me laugh.

Shampoo & Conditioner
My hair hates the cold winter. I love cold winter, but my hair doesn't. It's been a terribly dry, windy new year, and OGX's Vitamin E shampoo and conditioner have been helping keep my hair moisturized. I also like to put my wet hair up in a hat to keep it warm until it dries. Drying does take longer, but the results are much happier with less split ends. 

The High and the Mighty Soundtrack

I love this story. I love Dimitri Tiomkin's haunting melody in the soundtrack, it's my favorite tune to whistle. Brave and wounded souls with tragic backstories just rip my heart up, and I secretly like that. When everyone else found a loving end to their stories(almost) Dan still goes walking off with his limp, whistling this haunting tune.

Caddie Woodlawn, Carol Ryrie Brink

I really think Caddie Woodlawn had something with me turning out to be the tom boy of the family, and my love of red hair. I picked this book up again a few weeks ago. I am hopefully going to visit a friend this spring who lives only half an hour from Caddie Woodlawn's original house. Caddie Woodlawn is pure childhood for me. Daddy read it to us kids and I can remember reliving every single moment of the story. Re-reading it brings back so many memories and why did I grow up again? I hope I can write stories that make others feel the same way Caddie Woodlawn makes me feel.

That's all for this week!

Love, Kayla


Katie said...

Love these posts! And you!


Emily said...

Love the new look!! You have such great and wonderful ideas. Love you!!