May 23, 2016

Why I'm a Feminist, Why I'm Not a Feminist

What is Feminism? It's actually a tough question because it depends on who you ask.

There are some good ideas behind feminism. I think a lot of things come about because of a very good reason. But some things change over time without really meaning to.
Why I'm a Feminist

If Feminism means relief for women from oppressive situations worldwide, in all religions, races, roles, and workplaces - then I am a feminist.

If feminism means equality, meaning women deserve to be looked upon as having something unique and special to offer to the world along side men - then I am a feminist.

If feminism means raising a greater awareness and greater protection against the rape of women, and greater consequences for the perpetrator - then I am a feminist.

If feminism means providing for the physical and psychological needs of the female victims of rape and abuse - then I am a feminist.
If feminism is for the making of a kinder, gentler world for all women and girls, alive and yet to be born - then I am a feminist.

If feminism means helping all women, rich and poor alike, achieve their dreams, no matter what their dreams may be - then I am a feminist.

If feminism means that a woman is special and unique and her worth is not based on the shape of her body - then I am a feminist.

If feminism is against the exploitation of a woman's body as a sex object - then I am a feminist.

Why I'm Not a Feminist

If it means the public ridicule of a woman who wishes to care for her children in her home without seeking a career - then I am not a feminist.

If feminism condones pornography - then I am not a feminist.

If it means the public ridicule of a woman who wishes to love and serve her husband in the best and most meaningful way possible - then I am not a feminist.
If it means discouraging men everywhere from being the manly leaders of their homes or in their jobs - then I am not a feminist.

If feminism means denying the special and unique differences in men and women for the sake of equality - then I am not a feminist.

If it encourages division and war between sexes merely for the sake of man vs woman - then I am not a feminist.

If feminism means that women are superior to men - then I am not a feminist.

If it means that a woman's worth is wrapped up in a college degree and a career - then I am not a feminist.

If feminism is simply a fight for women to run around topless - then I am not a feminist.

If it means the taking of a child's life in preference to the woman's - then I am not a feminist.
Though this is a very basic manifesto, to sum up - I am do not call myself a feminist. I would rather fight for the humane treatment, love, care, kindness, and acceptance of all people, and not in preference to a sex. I know there are heinous, horrible crimes against women, and I will never, ever dispute that. But the well-being and good treatment of women does not begin with trying to change mens' behavior and ideas of women. It begins in the hearts and the minds of all people, men and women alike. And that is not our job. Our job is to be the way we want the world to be. And that begins with you. One person at at time.

To women everywhere - this is for you.

To everyone everywhere - I care.

1 comment:

Christa Upton said...

Wow, well said!! If I understand the Bible correctly, I think your position is 100% Biblical!!